Tag: Maths

Matching fractions to decimals

Matching fractions to decimals

We are learning to match fractions to decimals. 

Copy one problem to share on your blog with an explanation of what we have done. 

Fraction  Image of the fraction  Fraction of 100 Decimal 
1/2 50/100 0.5
1/4 25/100 0.25
1/5 20/100 0.2
1/10 10/100 0.1
3/4 70/100 0.70
2/5 40/100 0.4
1/20 20/100 0.20

Today we are learning to match fractions to decimals. It took me 5 minutes to figure out what our work was because at first I didn’t understand this until we were instructed by the teacher, hopefully you have fun watching through the slide shows(:


Geometry garden

My Geometry Garden

We are describing the different parts of our garden and what geometry features they show. 
What type of symmetry do your flowers have? In my garden my flowers have…

Rotational symmetry and Reflective symmetry.

This means that… I can rotate the flower eight times and the shape won’t change.

What type of symmetry does your butterfly have?   In my garden my butterfly has… Reflective and Rotational symmetry.

This means that if you cut the butterfly in half you can reflect it. 


What geometry feature does your pathway show? 

What did you do to make sure pathway?

In my garden my pathway shows Tessellation.

To make my pathway I covered the whole page with the same shapes.

This means that i copied and paste the shapes.

Task description: Today we are learning about Geometry and about Tessellation, Rotation symmetry Reflective symmetry. My highlight was when me and my table group was working together as a team, hope you had fun reading this. BYE 🙂

Measuring lengths

Today room1 is learning about lengths, We are using Millimeters, Centimeter’s, Meters and Kilometers. We had to measure a house, broom, dog, shoes and other stuff to. Like a meter of a alligator is 2.6 meters. so I hope that you learn’t something and if you know an interesting fact please comment down. Ka kite 🙂