Tag: cinderella


Today was the first day back at school. As usual we have a theme for all the teams. This term is called Transformers, we have to express our feelings just like we do at home and at morning tea. Team 5 teachers were telling us a fairy tale about a girl named Cinderella. She was locked up inside a basement, because of her step sisters. She then yelled out “help me” but no one answered so then she yelled again and again no one answered. Then out of nowhere a fairy appeared. And then she granted her a  wish, It  was magical and some how mysterious.  She ended up at the princes palace, it hit twelve o’clock so then she made a run it. Little did she know her shoes fell off, so then the next day the price went out looking for her using the shoe. Someone secretly replaced it with their shoe to fool the prince. So then he slashed her head, Cinderella soon found out and wished for a handsome,  pleasing guy that can provide for them. The fairy appeard and granted her wish, they finally lived happy ever after.



So I hope that you enjoy and have a good day.